Feature Spotlight: Voicemail & Fax
Stay Focused While Sweet UC Takes a Message
There is nothing revolutionary about voicemail but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be better than you expected. Sweet UC’s Kandy offers voicemail as well as fax messaging, from one number; making it easy to stay focused on the task at hand. This is far beyond simple traditional touch-tone commands; a web portal, e-mail and mobile access (optional) make it easy to re-connect. Optional Transcription (voice to text) makes it easy to read and respond to messages without ever picking up the phone.

Cloud-based Voicemail Service
Voicemail can also be purchased as a separate service, an ideal solution for large organizations that want to extend the life of their premises-based PBX and don’t want to invest in a replacement for their end of life/support voicemail system. Kandy integrates with most PBXs and its cloud economics mean you’ll typically pay less for Kandy mailboxes than maintenance costs for your outdated v-mail system. Pay less – get more, that’s Kandy.
Sweet UC by Kandy Cloud Voicemail
Powerful Messaging Capabilities Hosted in the Cloud
Faxes Where You Need Them
Sweet UC business lines accept incoming faxes – easily access from the web portal, your e-mail or mobile client.
Modern Clients Accelerate Access
Don’t waste time with legacy touch-tone voicemail commands, use a modern web portal, e-mail client or mobile client to quickly survey and manage voice mail or fax messages. Just open the attachment to listen or view the message. If transcription is enabled, voicemail messages can also be read in the message body.